Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Error 9104

Why does the server return Error 9104 "auto statistics internal"? I can't find an error description in BOL, MSDN or through a groups/forum search either.

We running Sql Server 2005 (no sp yet) on Windows 2003 server.


Do you have the associated state number for this error? It is number like in the range of 1-255 in general. It would be helpful in identifying the cause.|||

Hi Mark,

I only have the severity level, 16. I don't capture the state in my error trace.

We migrated to 2005 in mid-March and this error has been returned twice.


Error 9104 is used internally for control flow. It is never surfaced through T-SQL. I assume you ran a trace to capture errors.

9104 essentially means that auto statistics failed for some reason (deadlock, resource crunch, ...). Since the engine can go on without auto-created or auto-refreshed statistics, the engine doesn't surface this error.

Peter Zabback

SQL Server Optimizer Development

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